Jumat, 20 Maret 2015


Kalian semua pada punya facebook kan? *pastilah
kalo iya coba deh buka link diatas. Kalian bisa konsultasi untuk diri sendiri, cari motivasi, maupun share yah siapa tau ada yang membutuhkan. Salah satu post nya yang ngena banget (#akubanget) kayak gini nih

picts by  : MORE FM

Depression is Quiet, Anyone can fall victim to it. And much like a mask, people hide it with a smile.. and an "I'm Fine". Nobody can detect it but yourself, because disguising it is easy. The cheerier you are, the lest they'll suspect. But you can't hide it forever. Everybody reaches a breaking point. But that's okay. There is love and support all around you. By talking with others, you will get the help and assurance that you need to fight through it .. together. Don't be ashamed, there are people out there who understand. 
You are precious, You are loved, You are NOT alone. 

Have patience with all things, but most improtantly, have patience with yourself. Later, see each every new day as an opportunity to grow. We'll always be here, waiting for you! 

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